

"Vincent" is a song by Don McLean written as a tribute to Vincent Van Gohg.It is a reference to Van Gogh's painting The Starry Night. The song also describes different paintings done by the artist.

McLean wrote the lyrics in 1971 after reading a book about the life of the artist. The following year, the song became the number one hit in the U.K. and No. 12 in the U.S.

"Vincent" é unha canción de Don McLean escrita coma un tributo a Vincent Van Gogh. Fai referencia ao cadro The starry Night "noite estrelada". A canción tamén describe distintos cadros feitos polo artista.
McLean escribiu a letra en 1971 despois de ler un libro sobre a vida do artista. Ao ano seguinte, a canción chegou a ser número un no Reino Unido e número 12 nos Estados Unidos.

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