

Primary 2 chidren liked "El peine de los vientos". So they did a jigsaw with this work.

Aos nen@s de segundo lles gustou "El peine de los vientos". Así que eles fixeron un puzzle con este traballo.



Primary 2 children are going to work about feelings. Here we've got two songs to check and learn the vocabulary.

Os nen@s de segundo de primaria van traballar sobre os sentimentos. Aquí temos dúas cancións pararevisar e aprender o vocabulario.



Primary 2 students are looking for information about Eduardo Chillida. Here we´ve got a video about Chillida's work.

Os nen@s de segundo de primaria están buscando información sobre Eduardo Chillida. Aquí temos un video cos traballos de Chillida.



Primary 4 children worked very hard to do these incredible trees. Look at the photos! You can see trees made with different materials: lentils, leaves, paper, buttons,... Great job children! Congratulations!

Os nenos/as de cuarto de primaria traballaron moito para facer estas increibles árbores. Mirade as fotos! Podedes ver árbores feitas con distintos materiais: lentellas, follas, papel, botóns,... Bo traballo nen@s! Noraboa!



Primary 4 chidren were working about autumn.They did an autumn tree using cotton swabs and tempera paint. They used colours like yellow, green, brown, orange,... to do their trees. Look at these photos!

Os ne@s de cuarto de primaria estiveron traballando sobre o outono. Fixeron unha arbore do autono utilizando bantoncillos de algodón e témpera. Utilizaron cores como o amarelo, o verde, o marrón, o laranxa,...para facer as súas árbores. Mirade estas fotos!



Primary 4 students were colouring a sheet of paper with Manley crayons. They used autumn colours to do it. They did a collective poster about autumn with Primary 1,2 and 3 students. This poster is in one of the school corridors.
Look at the result!

Os nen@s de cuarto de primaria estiveron coloreando unha folla de papel con ceras Manley. Utilizaron as cores de outono para facelo. Fixeron un poster colectivo sobre o outono cos nen@s de primeiro, segundo e terceiro. Este poster está nun dos corredores da escola.



On the first days of school Primary 4 children started with the school topic. They created some school bags with dots of different colours (pointilism). This is the first sheet of paper on their new art porject folder.

Os primeiros días de clase os nen@s de 4º de primaria empezaron co tema da escola. Crearon algunhas mochilas con puntiños de distintos colores (puntillismo). Esta foi a primeira folla da súa nova carpeta de proxectos de plástica.



This activity was the first for primary 2 children.They painted this sheet of paper. They did it very well. Good job!

Esta actividade foi a primeira dos nen@s de segundo de primaria. Eles pintaron esta folla de papel. Fixerono moi ben. Bo traballo!



Primary 2 children are working about colours. Let's sing a beautiful song!

Os nenos/as de 2º de primaria están traballando sobre as cores. Cantemos unha bonita canción!



These are going to be the covers to the different art projects for primary 2 and primary 4.This is the beginning of their works. Ready?
Estas van ser as portadas para os distintos traballos de plástica de 2º e 4º de primaria. este é o comezo dos seus traballos. Preparados?





Here we are again! A new school year begins. We are excited! We have got a new Bilingual Section: art in primary 2. We are very happy!!!
Let's start!

Aquí estamos de volta! Un novo ano escolar comeza. estamos emocionados! Temos unha nova Sección Bilingüe: plástica en 2º de primaria. Estamos moi contentos!



Summer is here! School year is finished. Enjoy yourself and rest! See you in September!

O verán está aquí. O curso rematou. Divírtete e descansa! Vémonos en setembro!



This is the award for Primary 3 children. They were fantastic artist! Congratulations on your work!

Este é o diploma para os nenos/as de terceiro de primaria. Foron uns artistas fantásticos! Noraboa polo voso traballo!



We are in Spring! Primary 3 children made some special flowers. Look! First they painted the stem in black, then with bottles made of plastic they printed the bottom of the bottle in different colours. Finally they decorated them.

Estamos en primavera! Os nenos/as de terceiro de primaria fixeron unhas flores "especiais". Mirade! Primeiro pintaron o talo de ngro. Despois con botellas de plástico estamparon a parte de abaixo da botella en distintas cores. Finalmente as decoraron.



Last Friday, May 31, it was the last day of Marian's staying in our school. It was a difficult day for us because we love her and we are going to miss her.
During the last two weeks we gave Marian some books, photos, videos,...of all the children because we want she remember us. This slide is a something we did for her...

O pasado venres , o 31 de maio, foi o último día da estadia de Marian no noso colexio. Foi un día difícil porque ela nos encanta e vámola botar moito de menos.
Durante as dúas últimas semanas démoslle a Marian a Marian algúns libros, fotos, videos ... de todos os nenos porque queremos que ela se acorde de nós. Esta presentación é algo que fixemos para ela...



One day Marian gave present to Primary 3 chidren. It was a book. It was a special book to colour. It had got drawings of typical cactuses from Arizona. Arizona is where her family live. Each child chose one of the drawings and they enjoyed a lot!

Un día marian regaloulles aos nenos de terceiro de primaria un libro. Un libro especial para colorear. Tiña debuxos dos típicos cactus de Arizona. Arizona é onde vive a familia de Marian. Cada neno elexiu un dos debuxos e divertironse un montón!



Primary 3 children made a very funny activity. They made circles of different sizes all in black. Then they painted them with paintings of very beautiful colours. Look what a great job!

Os nenos de terceiro de primaria fixeron unha actividade moi divertida. Fixeron círculos de distintos tamaños todos de cor negra. Despois os pintaron con pintura de cores moi bonitos. Mirade que bo traballo!



Primary 3 chidren were studying the vocabulary about the house, so the teacher Loli thought it was a good idea to make houses in the art class. Children were very motivated. With Marian's help, as always, they learnt lot of vocabulary: parts of the house, furniture, adjectives, colours,...At the end they made fantastic houses as you can see in these photos.

Os nenos de 3º de primaria estaban estudando o vocabulario da casa, así que a profe Loli pensou que era unha boa idea facer casas na clase de plástica. Os nenos estaban moi motivados. Coa axuda de Marian, coma sempre, aprenderon moito vocabulario: as partes da casa, o mobiliario, adxectivos, colores,... Ao final fixeron unhas casaS fantásticas como podedes ver nas fotos.



Every year Primary 3 children participate in a quiz given by our school enviromental section. Children made whatever they want but recycling.
This year they made lots of works: two monsters to keep notes, a mirror and a big turtle( with Primary 4 chidren). They worked very hard. Look at the result!

Cada ano os nenos de 3º de primaria participan nun concurso feito dende a nosa aula de medio ambiente do colexio. Os nenos fan o que eles quere pero reciclando.
Este ano fixeron moitos traballos: dous mostruos para poñer notas, un espello e unha gran tartaruga (cos nenos de 4º de primaria). Traballaron moit! Mirade o resultado!


To celebrate International Women's Day Primary 4 students studied two painters,two women: Frida Khalo and Maruja Mallo. Frida was Mexican and Maruja was Galician. Look what these great artists did!

Para celebrar o Día da muller traballadora os nenos de cuarto estudaron dúas pintoras, dúas mulleres: Frida Khalo e Maruja Mallo. Frida era mexicana e maruja era galega. Mirade o que fixeron estes grandes artistas!


Primary 4 students were working with newspapers. They recycle them. They cut and colour papers to do different compositions. Great job!

Os nenos de 4º de primaria estiveron traballando con xornais. Reciclaronos. Cortaron e colorearon para facer fiferentes composicións. Bo traballo!



Primary 3 children were drawing like Miró, this great painter. They work with lines,symbols,... At the end they painted some of Miro's paintings. Son uns artistas fantásticos!

Os nenos de 3º de primaria estiveron debuxando como Miró, este grande pintor. Traballaron as líneas, os símbolos,... Ao final reproduciron algúns dos cadros de Miró. They are fantastic artists!



Primary 3 children celebrated two special dates: Earth Day and Book Day.
Earth Day is on April 22nd. Children made a very beautiful drawing to remind us this important day. On this drawing we see that we have to look after the Earth, our planet, with our hands.
Book day is on April 23rd. It's another very important date. We have to read. Reading help us to learn and know lots of things. Children made a fantastic bookmark and a great poster to put in the corridor.
Look at the photos! Congratulations everyone! You did a great job!

Os nenos de 3º celebraron dúas datas especiales: o Día da Terra e o Día do Libro.
O Día da Terra é o 22 de abril. os nenos fixeron un debuxo moi bonito para lembrarnos esta data importante. Neste debuxo vemos que temos que coidar a Terra, o noso planeta coas nosas mans.
O Día do Libro é o 23 de abril. É outra data moi importante. Temos que ler. a lectura nos axuda a aprender e a coñecer moitas cousas. Os nenos fixeron un fantático marcapáxinas e un gran poster para poñer no corredor.
Mirade as fotos! Noraboa a todos! Fixéchedes un gran traballo!



Primary 3 children are working with a very famous painter, Miro. Watch this video and learn about Miro's paintings!

Os nenos/as de terceiro de primaria están traballando con un pintor moi famoso, Miró. Mirade este video e aprendede sobre os cadros de Miró!



Primary 4 students were learning about dairy routines. One of them is having breakfast and talking about this topic they listened this song with the Cookie monster. First they filled the gaps and then we played the game "who took the cookie from the cookie jar?".They played this game with Marian.Look at the photos!

Os nen@s de cuarto de primaria estiveron aprendendo as rutinas diarias.Unha delas era o almorzo e falando sobre eso escoitaron esta canción do Monstro das galletas. Primeiro encheron os ocos da canción e despois xogaron ao xogo "quen colleo a galleta do tarro das galletas?" Xogaron con Marian, mirade as fotos!



On Wednesday and Friday we did this activity with Primary 5 and 6 students. Marian showed us how to do this mad lib. First in pairs or in groups we had to think and write places, adjectives, verbs, numbers,...
Then we filled the gaps in another sheet of paper. The mad lib was "How do I get there?". It was very funny when they read the final text.
Thank you Marian for creating this activity for us!

O mércores e o venres fixemos esta actividade con 5º e 6º de Primaria. marian ensinounos como facer este texto loco. Primeiro en pares ou en grupos tivemos que pensar e escribir nome de lugares,adxectivos,verbos, números,... Despois completamos os ocos noutra folla de papel. O texto loco era "Como podo chegar alí?" Foi moi divertido cando leron o texto final.
Grazas Marian por crear esta actividade para nós!



Primary 5 children are studying directions. Marian helped them and they did a very funny activity giving directions to a blindfold person in the classroom. They enjoyed every minute of this activity and they wanted to do it repeatedly.

Os nenos e nenas de 5º de Primaria están estudando as direccións. Marian axudoulles e fixeron unha actividade moi divertida dándolle direccións a unha persoa cos ollos pechados dentro da clase. Eles disfrutaron cada minuto desta actividade e querían repetila unha e outra vez.

<iframe src="http://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/6743345" width="427" height="356" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" style="border:1px solid #CCC;border-width:1px 1px 0;margin-bottom:5px" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen> </iframe> <div style="margin-bottom:5px"> <strong> <a href="http://www.slideshare.net/elealber/joan-miro-6743345" title="Joan miro" target="_blank">Joan miro</a> </strong> from <strong><a href="http://www.slideshare.net/elealber" target="_blank">Alberto Garrido</a></strong> </div>


Primary 3 children are learning about Picasso. Who was he? Where he was born? What are his most famous paintings? They could paint as Picasso did.
First they coloured a Picasso painting "El niño con la paloma" (The boy with the dove). They talked about the boy and his feelings: Is he sad? Is he happy? Why? Then they coloured the painting as they wanted, so we've got free versions of this famous painting.
Another activity they did was a drawing of a face,a special face, of course. A face as Picasso would do. Marian helped them to trace their profiles on a paper. Then they coloured them. It was a funny activity and their paintings are great.

Their works about Picasso are amazing! Congratulations!

Os nenos e nenas de 3º de Primaria están aprendendo sobre Picasso. Quen é? Onde naceu? Cales son os seus cadros máis famosos? Eles poideron pintar como fixo Picasso.
Primeiro colorearon un cadro de Picasso " El niño con la paloma" (O neno coa pomba). Falaron do neno e dos seus sentimentos: Está triste? Está contento? Por qué? Despois colorearon o cadro como quixeron, así que temos versions libre deste famoso cadro.
Outra actividade que fixeron foi debuxar a sua cara, unha cara especial, claro. Unha cara como a faría Picasso. Marian axudoulles a repasar os seus perfís nun papel. Despois os colorearon. Foi unha actividade divertida e os seus cadron está xenial.

Os seus traballos sobre Picasso son impresionantes! Felicidades!



Primary 4 children were in a special restaurant last Friday. Look at the photos. Marian helped us with the vocabulary and the expressions we had to use. Thank you Marian!
Now you can watch the videos in UP AND AWAY.

Os nenos/as de 4º de Primaria estiveron nun restaurante especial o pasado venres. Mirade as fotos. Marian axudounos co vocabularrio e as expresiones que tiñamos que utilizar. Grazas Marian!
Agora podes ver os videos en UP AND AWAY.