

Primary 1 children are learning about feelings: happy, sad, tired, angry and hungry. Marian taught them a song with all these feelings. Look ! They are singing and moving very well!

Os nenos/as de primeiro están aprendendo sentimentos: feliz, triste, canso, enfadado e famento. Marian ensinoulles unha canción con todos estes sentimentos. Mirade! Cantan e móvense moi ben!




Today we had classes with pre-primary 3, 4 and 5. I'm a little disaster and I forgot the camera, so I haven't got any photos of the classes.It's a pity because we enjoyed a lot!
With 5-years-old children Marian taught them a new song "rock, scissors, paper" and they acted out "ten in the bed".

With 3-years-old Marian told them the story "Brown bear, brown bear" by Eric Carle, and then we moved and danced with the song "count to twenty".
With 4-years-old Marian asked them for the name of the pets they are learning and we counted all together. And finally, we acted out the song "ten in the bed", which is perfect for this class because they are usually ten (today they were nine. Daniel was off school).

Marian is wonderful and children love her. When we finished the classes she had headache (I'm not surprised). But later she was with primary 5 talking about the world and our planet Earth and asking the children for things they can do to look after the Earth.
So no photos today, sorry, but I want to thank Marian, once again, her help.


Hoxe tivemos clases con infantil de 3, 4 e 5. Son un pouco desastre e olvidei a cámara de fotos, así que non teño fotos das clases. É unha pena porque o pasamos moi ben.
Cos nenos/as de 5 anos, Marian ensinoulles unha canción nova "pedra, tesoiras, papel" e representaron a canción "dez na cama".
Cos nenos/as de 3 anos,Marian contoulles a historia "Oso marrón, oso marrón" de Eric Carle, e despois nos movemos e bailamos coa canción "Conta ata vinte".
Cos nenos/as de 4 anos, Marian preguntoulles polo nome das mascotas que están aprendendo e contámolas todos xuntos. E, por último, representamos a canción "dez na cama", a cal é perfecta para esta clase porque eles normalmente son dez (hoxe eran nove. Daniel non estaba no cole).
Marian é unha maravilla e os nenos/as a adoran. Cando acabamos as clases,doíalle a cabeza (non me estraña). Pero, máis tarde estivo con 5º de primaria falando do mundo e do noso planeta e preguntándolles aos nenos/as que cousas podían facer eles para coidar da Terra.

Así que non temos fotos hoxe, síntoo, pero quero agradecerlle a Marian, de novo, a súa axuda.