

Pre-primary and Primary children collaborated to do a big poster. Each level made a Christmas bauble.Look! Do you like it?

Os nenos e nenas de infantil e primaria colaboraron para facer un gran poster. Cada curso fixo unha bola de Nadal. Mirade! Gústavos?



We were learning and checking the vocabulary about Chistmas. Finally we played bingo with all the levels. They liked very much! On these photos we can see Primary 4th students.

Estivemos aprendendo e revisando vocabulario sobre o Nadal. Ao final xogamos ao bingo con todos os curso. Gustoulles moito! Nestas fotos podemos ver ao nenos e nenas de 4º de primaria.


Christmas is coming! We are decorating our school corridors. We put the Christmas tree and some of the classes were doing baubles to decorate it. Primary 1st and 3rd children were very busy because it was a bit difficult but look at the Christmas tree... it's beautiful!!!

O Nadal está chegando! Estamos a decorar os corredores do cole. Puxemos a árbore de Nadal e algunhas das clases estiveron facendo bolas para decorala. Os nenos e nenas de 1º e de 3º estiveron moi ocupados porque foi un pouco dificil pero mirade a árbore... é preciosa!!!



Primary 5 students wrote a recipe with Gabrielle's help. We did it in the classroom following the instructions. We made FRUIT SALAD. It was delicious! Yummy!

Os nenos e nenas de 5º de primaria escribiron unha receta coa axuda de Gabrielle. Fixemola na clase seguindo as instruccións. Fixemos MACEDONIA. Estaba boísima!


Using different patterns Primary 1 and 3 students made these beautiful leaves.

Utilizando distintos patróns os nenos/as de 1º e de 3º fixeron unhas bonitas follas.



We celebrated Halloween with Gabrielle. She had a great idea, sing and act "Monster Mash". Children loved it! After checking our vocabulary on Halloween we did it. Look at us!


we wanted to celebrate these two days so Primary 1 and 3 students made a basket to carry the chestnuts. They colored and glued some pictures about halloween too. They used the basket on Chestnut Day and it was very useful.

Quixemos celebrar estes dous días, así os nenos/as de 1º e de 3º fixeron unha cesta para levar as castañas. Colorearon e pegaron algúns debuxos de halloween tamén. Utilizaron a cesta no día do magosto e foi moi útil.


This year we made a project about mushrooms to participate in a contest here in As Pontes. Primary 1 and 3 students made their projects. Look!

Este ano fixemos un proxecto sobre cogumelos para participar nun concurso aquí nas Pontes. Os nenos/as de 1º e 3º fixeron os seus proxectos. Mirade!



We finished our autumn tree. Look! Do you like it?

Rematamos a nos árbore de outono.Mirade! Gústavos?



Gabrielle Mendieta, our English Assistant Teacher is here! We are very happy because, at last, she is with us. Welcome Gabrielle!

Gabrielle Mendieta, a nosa auxiliar de conversa está xa aquí! Estamos moi ledos porque ao fin ela está connosco. Benvida Gabrielle!



Look what amazing trees Primary 1 and 3 students had done! Primary 1 students used toilet paper rolls to do them and primary 3 students used corks. Look at the result!

Mirade que árbores máis sorprendentes fixeron os nenos/as de primeiro e de terceiro de primaria. Os nenos/as de primeiro utilizaron rolos de papel hixiénico e os nenos/as de terceiro tapóns de corcho. Mirade o resultado!


Autumn is here! We are working about it. Primary 1 and 3 students are colouring some autumn leaves with soft crayons for a decoration in the corridor. They are using brown, orange, red, yellow colours... Primary 2 students are helping us too!

O Outono está aquí! Estamos traballando sobre él. Os nenos/as de primeiro e de terceiro de primaria están coloreando algunhas follas do outono para adornar o corredor.Utilizan as cores marrón, laranxa, vermella, amarela... Os nenos/as de segundo de primaria estánnos axudando tamén!



"Leafy the leaf that wouldn´t leave" is a story about a leaf that was very happy in its tree. She was scared of falling down. Watch this video!

"Leafy a folla que non quería marchar" é a historia dunha folla que era feliz na súa árbore. Tiña medo de caer. Mirade este video!



Primary 1 and 3 students are doing their first work. It`s a little tablecloth. This tablecloth is going to be very useful because we don´t want to dirty the tables when working.

Os nenos/as de primeiro e de terceiro de primaria están a facer o seu primeiro traballo. É un pequeno mantel. Vainos a ser moi útil porque non queremos ensuciar as mesas cando esteamos traballando.



A new school year is beginning. We are so excited! Are you ready?

Un novo curso está comezando. Estamos tan emocionados! Estades preparados?



Primary 4 students are studying the Egyptian civilization now. They decided to build a pyramid and then they drew their favourite pharaoh: Tutankamon.

Os nenos/as de 4º de Primaria están estudando agora a civilización exipcia. Decidiron construir unha pirámide e despois debuxaron ao seu faraón favorito: Tutankamon.


Primary 4 students are learning about Prehistory so they coloured a bell beaker with crayons. Then they scraped with the end of the paintbrush to do different drawings. Look at the result!

Os nenos/as de 4º de primaria están aprendendo sobre a Prehistoria. Así, eles colorearon un vaso campaniforme con ceras. Despois fixeron uns debuxos raspando coa punta do pincel. Mirade o resultado!



Primary 4 students are learning about prehistory so they decided to do what the cave dwellers used to do. They used natural things like mud, paprika, saffron, coal, water,... to do cave paintings. Here we've got some photos!

Os nenos/as de 4º de primaria está aprendendo sobre a prehistoria así que decidiron facer o que os cavernícolas tiñan por costume facer. Utilizaron cousas naturais como o barro, o pemento, o azafrán, o carbón, a auga,... para facer pinturas rupestres. Aquí temos algunhas fotos!


Primary 4 students made a recycling proyect. Van Gogh inspirated themselves to do this creation. These are two vases made of plastic bottles with lots of different flowers. It's amazing! Look at the result!

Os nenos/as de 4º de primaria fixeron un proxecto de reciclado. Van gogh os inspirou para facer esta creación. Son dous xarróns feitos de botellas de plástico con moitas flores diferentes. É abraiante! Mirade o resultado!



Look at Primary 4th students painting like Van gogh. Their inspiration, this time, is "The Sunflowers". Each of them made a different painting but all of them with beautiful sunflowers!!!

Mirade aos alumnnos de cuarto pintando como Van Gogh. A súa inspiración, nesta ocasión, son "Os xirasois". Cada un deles fixo un cadro diferente pero todos cuns fermosos xirasois!!!



Here we've got primary 4 children working as real painters. They are drawing and painting like Van Gogh. This painter is their inspiration to do original paintings. Look!
Aqui temos aos nenos/as de cuarto de primaria traballando coma verdadeiros pintores. Eles debuxan e pintan como Van Gogh. Este pintor é a súa inspiración para facer cadros orixinales. Mirade!

"Starry night" and "Boots and shoes" were the first paintings to do.
Os cadros "Noite estrelada" e "Botas e zapatos" foron os primeiros en facer.



"Vincent" is a song by Don McLean written as a tribute to Vincent Van Gohg.It is a reference to Van Gogh's painting The Starry Night. The song also describes different paintings done by the artist.

McLean wrote the lyrics in 1971 after reading a book about the life of the artist. The following year, the song became the number one hit in the U.K. and No. 12 in the U.S.

"Vincent" é unha canción de Don McLean escrita coma un tributo a Vincent Van Gogh. Fai referencia ao cadro The starry Night "noite estrelada". A canción tamén describe distintos cadros feitos polo artista.
McLean escribiu a letra en 1971 despois de ler un libro sobre a vida do artista. Ao ano seguinte, a canción chegou a ser número un no Reino Unido e número 12 nos Estados Unidos.



Primary 4 children are going to study about Vincent Van Gogh, his life and his paintings.This is one of the painters they are going to work with during this term.
First of all they watched these videos and sang a song about this painter.

Os nen@s de cuarto de primaria van a estudar sobre Vincent Van Gogh, a súa vida e os seus cadros. Este é un dos pintores cos que van a traballar durante este trimestre.
O primeiro de todo foi ver estos videos e cantar unha canción sobre o pintor