

Thanksgiving is here and Primary 2 and 4 students were doing some crafst about this holiday in America.

Acción de grazas está aquí e os nenos de 2º e de 4º estiveron facendo algunhas manualidades sobre esta festividade americana.




Look at Primary 2 students! Will taught them how to draw a fox with different shapes and now... they are very good at drawing foxes, aren't they?

Mirade aos nenos e nenas de 2º de primaria. Will ensinoulles como debuxar un raposo con distintas formas e agora... son moi bos debuxando raposos, verdade?



On these days we made a chestnut and a ghost. We coloured some Halloween pictures too... and we ate worms!!!

Nestes días fixemos unha castaña e unha pantasma. Coloreamos algúns debuxos de Halloween tamén... e comemos gusanos!!!


This year we made a project about mushrooms to participate in a contest here in As Pontes. Primary 4th students were learning about the Braille system. Saúl helped us, he's learning it with Paula , a teacher from the ONCE organization. Saúl borrowed us his Perkin machine and all of us used it.
Our project consisted in a game for blind children or those who had a difficulty on their sight. We put in a box some mushroom with different textures for them to guess what mushroom was it. We did it to experiment with braille and see that it is difficult for Saúl or for anyone to learn a new language system . We presented to the contest only one game but we did two. Look at the photos. At the end we won a prize in the contest!!!

Este ano fixemos un proxecto sobre os cogomelos para participar nun concurso en As Pontes. Os nenos e nenas de 4º de primaria estiveron aprendendo Braille. Sául axudounos, él está aprendendo Braille con Paula, unha profesora da ONCE. Saúl deixounos a súa máquina Perkins e todos a utilizamos.
O nosO proxecto consistiu nun xogo para cegos ou para aqueles que teñen dificultades na súa visión. Puxemos nunha caixa algúns cogomelos con distintas texturas para que adiviñen de que cogomelo se trata. Experimentamos co Braille e vimos que é dificil para Saúl ou para calquera aprender unha nova linguaxe. Nós presentamos un xogo para o concurso pero fixemos dous. Mirade as fotos. Ao final gañamos un premio no concurso.

At the end we donated one of our games to the ONCE organization. Saúl, representing all the children, brought the game to Paula. She was very happy and she said it was a great idea. Congratulations children for your job!!!

Ao final doamos un dos xogos á ONCE. Saúl, representando a tódolos nenos e nenas, entregou o xogo a Paula. Ela estaba moi leda e dixo que fora unha gran idea. Noraboa nenos e nenas polo voso traballo!!!