

Primary 3 children celebrated two special dates: Earth Day and Book Day.
Earth Day is on April 22nd. Children made a very beautiful drawing to remind us this important day. On this drawing we see that we have to look after the Earth, our planet, with our hands.
Book day is on April 23rd. It's another very important date. We have to read. Reading help us to learn and know lots of things. Children made a fantastic bookmark and a great poster to put in the corridor.
Look at the photos! Congratulations everyone! You did a great job!

Os nenos de 3º celebraron dúas datas especiales: o Día da Terra e o Día do Libro.
O Día da Terra é o 22 de abril. os nenos fixeron un debuxo moi bonito para lembrarnos esta data importante. Neste debuxo vemos que temos que coidar a Terra, o noso planeta coas nosas mans.
O Día do Libro é o 23 de abril. É outra data moi importante. Temos que ler. a lectura nos axuda a aprender e a coñecer moitas cousas. Os nenos fixeron un fantático marcapáxinas e un gran poster para poñer no corredor.
Mirade as fotos! Noraboa a todos! Fixéchedes un gran traballo!

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