

The first day with Marian everybody was nervous. All the children wanted to make questions to Marian and talked to her. Children draw a picture to Marian and they did a book with all the pictures. She liked the book very much. They finished the autumn pegs they were doing too.

O primeiro día con Marian todos estaban nerviosos. Todos querían preguntarlle e falar con Marian. Os nen@s fixeronlle un debuxo e con todos os debuxos fixose un libro que a Marian lle gustou moito. Tamén remataron as pinzas de outono que estaban facendo.

Another art activity was to make a clock with a hubcap. Children learned about the time and the sang Hickory Dickory Dock.They won a prize.

Outra actividade de plástica foi facer un reloxo con un tapacubos. Os nen@s aprenderon a hora e cantaron Hickory Dickory dock. Eles gañaron un premio.

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