

Primary 5 children are studying directions. Marian helped them and they did a very funny activity giving directions to a blindfold person in the classroom. They enjoyed every minute of this activity and they wanted to do it repeatedly.

Os nenos e nenas de 5º de Primaria están estudando as direccións. Marian axudoulles e fixeron unha actividade moi divertida dándolle direccións a unha persoa cos ollos pechados dentro da clase. Eles disfrutaron cada minuto desta actividade e querían repetila unha e outra vez.

<iframe src="http://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/6743345" width="427" height="356" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" style="border:1px solid #CCC;border-width:1px 1px 0;margin-bottom:5px" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen> </iframe> <div style="margin-bottom:5px"> <strong> <a href="http://www.slideshare.net/elealber/joan-miro-6743345" title="Joan miro" target="_blank">Joan miro</a> </strong> from <strong><a href="http://www.slideshare.net/elealber" target="_blank">Alberto Garrido</a></strong> </div>


Primary 3 children are learning about Picasso. Who was he? Where he was born? What are his most famous paintings? They could paint as Picasso did.
First they coloured a Picasso painting "El niño con la paloma" (The boy with the dove). They talked about the boy and his feelings: Is he sad? Is he happy? Why? Then they coloured the painting as they wanted, so we've got free versions of this famous painting.
Another activity they did was a drawing of a face,a special face, of course. A face as Picasso would do. Marian helped them to trace their profiles on a paper. Then they coloured them. It was a funny activity and their paintings are great.

Their works about Picasso are amazing! Congratulations!

Os nenos e nenas de 3º de Primaria están aprendendo sobre Picasso. Quen é? Onde naceu? Cales son os seus cadros máis famosos? Eles poideron pintar como fixo Picasso.
Primeiro colorearon un cadro de Picasso " El niño con la paloma" (O neno coa pomba). Falaron do neno e dos seus sentimentos: Está triste? Está contento? Por qué? Despois colorearon o cadro como quixeron, así que temos versions libre deste famoso cadro.
Outra actividade que fixeron foi debuxar a sua cara, unha cara especial, claro. Unha cara como a faría Picasso. Marian axudoulles a repasar os seus perfís nun papel. Despois os colorearon. Foi unha actividade divertida e os seus cadron está xenial.

Os seus traballos sobre Picasso son impresionantes! Felicidades!



Primary 4 children were in a special restaurant last Friday. Look at the photos. Marian helped us with the vocabulary and the expressions we had to use. Thank you Marian!
Now you can watch the videos in UP AND AWAY.

Os nenos/as de 4º de Primaria estiveron nun restaurante especial o pasado venres. Mirade as fotos. Marian axudounos co vocabularrio e as expresiones que tiñamos que utilizar. Grazas Marian!
Agora podes ver os videos en UP AND AWAY.