

On these days we sing, dance, colour and... we have fun! I took these photos in 5 years old classroom with Marian. Look!

Estes días cantamos, bailamos, coloreamos e... divertímonos! Fixen estas fotos na clase dos nen@s de cinco anos con Marian. Mirade!

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This is what Primary 6 students think about Marian. Click on this image and see their opinions.

Esto é o que os alumnos de 6º de primaria pensan de Marian. Da na imaxe e mira as súas opinións.



Marian, Loli and me decided to make aposter to wish the best to everyone on these days.

Marian, Loli e mais eu decidimos facer un mural para desexar a todos o mellor nestas datas.

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Last Wednesday Primary 3 played bingo with Marian and then they danced "Under the pretty Christmas Tree". It was very funny! They liked it very much. Thank you Marian ... again!

O pasado mércores os nenos de terceiro de primaria xogaron ao bingo con Marian e despois bailaron "Debaixo da bonita árbore de Nadal". Foi moi divertido e a todos lles gustou moito. Grazas Marian... outra vez!

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Teachers are working very hard.They are painting three umbrellas in order to do a Christmas tree. Children are working very hard too. They are painting the ornaments for the tree.

Os mestres están traballando moito. Están pintando tres paraugas para facer a árbore de Nadal. Os nen@s tamén están traballando moito. Están pintando os adornos para a árbore.

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Santa Claus is coming to our school. We are going to do a lot of Christmas ornaments. Let´s start.

Santa Claus está chegando ao noso cole. Vamos a facer un montón de adornos navideños. Empecemos

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Next day in the art class chidren used their hands to make a tree. With their fingers in paint they did the leaves. Marian teached them a song about the fingers' names. They dressed up a chestnut as a superheroe, a princess, a pop star,... It was very funny! They ate spiders and ghosts made by Primary 6.

O seguinte día na clase de plástica os nen@s usaron as suas mans para facer arbores. Cos seus dedos de pintura fixeron as follas. Marian ensinoulles unha canción sobre os nomes dos dedos. Eles vestiron unha castaña de superheroe, de princesa, de estrela do pop,... Foi moi divertido. Tamén comeron unhas arañas e uns fantasmas feitos polos nen@s de 6º.