Look at this photos about the Titanic! In Primary 2 chidren worked a lot about the Titanic. Marian told them about the story , they watched the videos, they learnt vocabulary,... Teacher Ángeles worked with the rest of the levels about it. At the end we had two big posters with information, vocabulary, news and pictures in the corridor! It was very interesting! Thanks to all the teachers who helped with this project!
Mirade as fotos do Titanic! En 2º os nenos/as traballaron moito sobre o Titanic. Marian contoulles a historia, veron videos, aprenderon vocabulario,... a profe Ángeles traballou sobre esto co resto dos cursos. Ao final tivemos dous grandes murales con información, vocabulario, noticias e debuxos no corredor! Estivo moi interesante! Grazas a
todos os profes que axudaron neste proxecto!
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